Candlelight Yin Yoga + Yoga Nidra for Deep Rest

Candlelight Yin Yoga + Yoga Nidra for Deep Rest

$25.00 CAD

CANDLELIGHT Yin Yoga/Yoga Nidra.

In a Yin practice, we apply mindfulness techniques to cultivate relaxation, awareness, and insights to our mind, body, and heart. The practice is floor based and uses props like blocks, bolsters, and blankets to support the postures. These poses are held for longer periods to stretch and open the body preparing it for a lengthy guided Yoga Nidra meditation. During Yoga Nidra guided meditation we become submerged in and receptive to progressively deeper meditative states of consciousness and brain wave states. Yoga Nidra is specifically designed to allow you to enter a sleep-like state while remaining consciously alert and awake. In this state we become witness to the nature of our body, thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra help us to cultivate calm and repattern reactivity to our thoughts, emotions, and body in a safe space to apply in our day-to-day interaction with ourselves and others. This is a beautiful way to offer ourselves deep care and grounding as we move away from the busy and often stress-filled Christmas Season.

What you will need… Anything to help support your comfort. During much of our time together you will be still and laying on the floor. Some suggestions could include, an extra yoga mat, a blanket, pillow and sweater. If you have an eye pillow, bring that too! Bring a water, preferably in a reusable bottle.